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Very tragic news from the Diocese of St. Joseph: Catholic priest, 33 years old, suddenly committed suicide

12:57 27/10/2022
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In a press release issued Tuesday afternoon, January 28, the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, painfully delivers very tragic news. Director of Communications Jeremy Lillig said the diocese was informed this morning of January 28 of the death of Father Evan Harkins after he failed to celebrate his usual morning Mass.

Lillig said Father Harkins clearly took his own life. That was the conclusion of diocesan officials after visiting the rectory at the rectory on King Hill Avenue on Tuesday morning.

Father Evan Harkins is French-American. He has a YouTube channel and often uploads videos about French culture.

However, last January 25, he posted a very strange video. In this video, which is what you and your brothers and sisters are watching, he shows how to shave, which everyone knows. This fact led many to think that he was mentally ill.

In the face of this tragic and shocking news, we ask you to pray for Father Harkins, his family, and the parishes and schools, the diocesan press release states. as well as the communities he served. Please also pray for all of our priests.”

Source: Vietcatholic News

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